The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Purchasing Decision of Local Cosmetics
A Study on Female Students of UIKA Bogor
Social media marketing has become an important element in increasing consumer purchasing decisions. Social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have become an integral part of optimizing an effective marketing strategy, in addition to reaching a wider range of consumers. Indonesian local cosmetics are cosmetic products made and marketed by companies originating from Indonesia and aimed at domestic or foreign markets. This study investigates the impact of social media marketing on purchasing decisions for local cosmetics among UIKA Bogor female students. The type of research is quantitative. The research unit is UIKA female students with a locus in the UIKA Bogor campus area. At the same time, the sampling technique uses non-probability, namely purposive sampling, with the sample being UIKA female students who have purchased local cosmetic products. The results of the findings are partially and simultaneously, social media marketing, cosmetics brand image and beauty vloggers have a significant impact on purchasing decisions of local cosmetics.