Social Media Marketing During and After the Covid 19 Pandemic: McDonald on Instagram Case

  • Haura Kemora
  • Popy Novita Pasaribu
Keywords: COVID 19, Marketing strategy, Instagram, Social media marketing actions, Culinary business.


COVID 19 pandemic causes decline on the performance of businesses including Indonesia’s food and beverage (F&B) sector. Culinary as part of F&B needs to find out the strong points of the social media marketing strategy and identify the lacks in it.  This study aimed to gain deeper understanding on the difference of social media marketing actions implemented by restaurant business before, in the beginning and the second year of pandemic. The research conducted an empirical analysis of social media marketing actions (SMMA) with descriptive analysis. The study’s unit analysis was Mcdonald’s Indonesia marketing activities in Instagram. It was a longitudinal research, May 2019 (before pandemic), May 2020 (In the beginning of pandemic), and May 2021 (the second year of pandemic). Data analysis were using Phantombuster software and Monkeylearn word cloud generator. The results showed McD post content on Instagram, there was 45,2% growth of post content on the first year of pandemic (May 2020) and slightly decreased by 2,2% on Mary 2021. According to categories of SMMA representation, providing product promotion content was always the highest rank on Instagram post in three years. McDonald’s Indonesia’s Instagram demonstrated an increase in their engagement SMMA category: giveaway promotions and contests. The most frequently used words by McDonald’s Indonesia in their Instagram posts’ captions in May 2019 was “Yuk” (translation: Let’s) which appeared fifteen times, in May 2020 twenty times, but in May 2021 caption “drive thru” with eighteen times.


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How to Cite
Kemora, H., & Pasaribu, P. (2023). Social Media Marketing During and After the Covid 19 Pandemic: McDonald on Instagram Case. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 114-129. Retrieved from

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