Desain Penanganan Jalan untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur Nasional di Merauke

  • Franky E. P. Lapian Balai Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Merauke
Keywords: road handling, Merauke, national infrastructure



Infrastructure development in eastern Indonesia is the government's top priority. The geographical conditions of the Papua Province are very extreme, making it difficult for infrastructure development to be implemented. Merauke Regency is one of the locations in the southern region of Papua Province, which has a very unique condition, namely that the area is dominated by soft soil. This study aims to make the right design for handling in inundation and excavation areas. Field investigations were carried out on the Bupul – Erambu – Sota 1/2 PN road section and the Bts road section. Regency. Boven. Digoel/Merauke – Muting/PN, at locations that require special handling in inundation areas and excavated areas. The results showed that the design for road handling was obtained based on the results of field investigations, including engineering the top foundation layer and road pavement layer and the slope of the road body. It is hoped that this design is the right solution so that roads can function properly so that national infrastructure development in Merauke can be carried out properly.

Key words: road handling, Merauke, national infrastructure


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