Study of Physical and Mechanical Soil Parameters as In-Situ Embankment Materials on Double Track Rail Road Construction Project Between Batu Tulis – Ciomas Station, Bogor.

  • Nurul Chayati Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Fadhila Muhammad Libasut Taqwa Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
Keywords: Keywords: embankment material, physical properties, soil classification, soil compaction, CBR.



A utilization of in-situ soil as embankment material in civil construction must pay attention to the physical characteristics and mechanical parameters of the soil, in its function to support the load acting on it. In the construction of a double-track rail between Batu Tulis station at Bogor City, and Ciomas station, 3 (three) samples of local soil parameters were investigated as embankment material. Laboratory investigations were carried out, including tests of physical parameters (Atterberg limits, soil density, and grain size distribution), and test of mechanical properties, in the form of direct shear tests, compaction test, and laboratory CBR. From the test results on soil samples, soil can be classified as loose silty sand with low plasticity to well graded sand (SM-SW), with dry density (g-dry), 1.26 – 1.42 gr/cm3, CBR0.1 value of 47.5 – 76.4%, and soaked CBR0.1 value of 31.67 – 34.6%. From the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the in-situ soil has high potential as embankment material, by taking into account the impacts arising from the on-site excavation, and compaction process.

Keywords: embankment material, physical properties, soil classification, soil compaction, CBR.


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SNI 03-1742-2008 Metode Pengujian Kepadatan Ringan untuk Tanah

SNI 03-1964-2008 Cara Uji Berat Jenis Tanah

SNI 03-1965-2008 Cara Uji Penentuan Kadar Air untuk Tanah dan Batuan di Laboratorium

SNI 03-1966-2008 Cara Uji Penentuan Batas Plastis dan Indeks Plastisitas Tanah

SNI 03-1967-2008 Cara Uji Penentuan Batas Cair Tanah

SNI 03-2813-2008 Cara Uji Kuat Geser Langsung Tanah Terkonsolidasi dan Terdrainase

SNI 03-2812-2011 Cara Uji Konsolidasi Satu Dimensi

SNI 03-3423-2008 Cara Uji Analisis Ukuran Butir Tanah
