Analysis of Unfair Business Competition Cases and Selling Losses (Case Study of PT Conch South Kalimantan Cement)
The intense rivalry for market share among businesses is a defining feature of Indonesia's cement industry. One of the behaviors is selling at a loss, which is detrimental to the long-term viability of the business. Analysis of the effects of PT Conch South Kalimantan Cement's sell-loss strategy on the Indonesian cement market is the goal of this study. based on an analysis of Indonesian applicable laws. Case studies, legal analysis, and normative juridical procedures are all used in this study. Literature reviews and legal data searches on official websites were used to gather data. According to the study's findings, PT Conch South Kalimantan Cement has been shown to engage in cement sales activities that result in losses for the South Kalimantan region. ensure that the cement sector has fair and robust competition. The Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition rules are broken by this activity. Selling at a loss has several negative effects, including lowering cement prices in the market, preventing new players from entering the market, and jeopardizing the stability of the cement sector. Therefore, in order to foster fair and healthy competition in the cement sector, the rule prohibiting the practice of selling at a loss must be vigorously enforced.