Kajian Pengendalian Banjir di Daerah Cekungan dengan Sistem Pompa

(Studi Kasus Perumahan Metland Tambun Bekasi)

  • Bakhtiar A B Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Andrian Firmansyah Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Didin Kusdian Universitas Sanggabuana Bandung
Keywords: Flood Discharge, Pump Capacity and Polder System.



The Metland residential area is a retention area or a flood area located in the downstream area of ​​the Cibuntu and Cibeureum rivers, which are plains and basins with rice fields and housing estates. The two rivers have experienced meandering, which has hampered the flow of the river so that the occurrence of backwater resulted in the overflow of the two rivers and resulted in flooding in the surrounding area. This flood will be exacerbated if the Citarum river also overflows. The purpose of the study was to find out how much the flood discharge value and the evaluation of the capacity of the existing pumps were adequate or not. After analyzing the calculation, it was found that the flood discharge value for a 2-year return period at polder 1A was 1,451 m3/second, polder 1B was 1,848 m3/second, polder 2A was 0.739 m3/second, polder 2B was 0.689 m3/second, and polder 2C was 0.895 m3. /second, polder 2D 1 is 0.608 m3/second, and polder 2D 2 is 0.529 m3/second. At the 10-year return period, inundation occurred at polder 1A as high as 13.04 cm, at polder 1B as high as 16.57 cm, and at polder 2C as high as 11.06 cm. Pump capacity for polders 1A, 1B, and 2C at the return period 10 The year was not sufficient to deal with the existing floods. Alternative problem solving is to increase the pump capacity. For polder 1A, a pump of 1 x 12 m3/second is added, for polder 1B a pump is added of 3 x 6 m3/second and 1x 12 m3/second, and for polder 2C a pump is added of 1 x 6 m3/second.

Keywords: Flood Discharge, Pump Capacity and Polder System.


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