Evaluasi Proyek Pekerjaan Konstruksi Secara Kontraktual dan Pekerjaan Konstruksi Berbasis Masyarakat

  • Eyet Cahyat Sudrajat Universitas Sangga Buana
  • R. Didin Kusdian Universitas Sangga Buana
Keywords: Contractual, community empowerment, stakeholders, Analytical Hierarchy Process, validation.



The time, quality, and cost control systems on projects, community participation as support, and good administration as evidence of accountability for construction implementation. The purpose of the research is to determine the important factors in choosing the implementation of construction projects, the weight of the criteria, and choosing the implementation of construction work projects by contractual or community empowerment methods using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. Interview methods and questionnaires were then processed and analyzed with the provision that the Consistency Ratio test value was less than 10%. The results of the analysis obtained were then validated with the interview method from the respondents' representatives. From the results of the study, it was found that the weight of those who chose contractual project implementation was 0.692, and those who chose community empowerment construction were 0.308. There are five criteria for choosing alternatives between contractual and community empowerment, namely, time criteria of 0.652, cost criteria of 0.606, quality criteria of 0.655, community participation criteria of 0.559 and administrative criteria weighing 0.622. While the weights that choose the implementation of community empowerment construction projects according to time are 0.348, costs are 0.395, quality is 0.346, community participation is 0.442, and administration is 0.379.

Keywords: Contractual, community empowerment, stakeholders, Analytical Hierarchy Process, validation.


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