Kajian Skema Pembiayaan Proyek Infrastruktur Jalan pada Rpjmd Tahun 2018 – 2023 melalui Mekanisme Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha Availability Payment

(Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Sumadra – Bungbulang Kabupaten Garut)

  • Sufendi Sufendi Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Agus Rahmat Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP Bandung
  • Tia Sugiri Universitas Sangga Buana
Keywords: Estimation, Cost Significant Model



The cost estimation is an activity in predicting the cost of a job. This activity is very vital, because it will affect the smooth progress of work activities in the implementation of work. A good cost estimate is an estimate that is accurate in predicting the costs needed to be accommodated. In the estimation process, it does not take long and in the end, it can make time efficient in estimation activities. In this study, for cost estimation using the road parameter method, the cost per kilometer reference (Special Cost Standard) is used, which in this case refers to the Regulation of the Governor of West Java Province No. 09 of 2019. The way this method works in getting the cost value of a road rehabilitation work is only to multiply the length of treatment at the handling location with the price per kilometer for the type of treatment. Cost Significant Model is a method of estimating the cost of work utilizing historical data on handling costs and processed through statistics, the result is a model that can predict the cost of work. Through the validation process, the model obtained will be determined whether or not it is accurate in predicting the cost of road rehabilitation. As a result, after going through the model validation process, the cost-significant model in general can predict the cost of road rehabilitation work more accurately than the commonly used method. Items that have a significant effect (≥80%) on road rehabilitation costs at the study site are ACWCL Aus Layer Laston (X18), Stone Pair (X25), U-shaped Channel Type DS1, Class B Aggregate Foundation Layer, and Thermoplastic Road Markings with each percentage is 60.67%; 9.20%; 5.11%; 3.46%, and 2.89% respectively.

Keywords: Estimation, Cost Significant Model


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