Tantangan Implementasi Proyek Infratruktur Melalui Kerjasama Pemerintah-Swasta Di Bagian Selatan Provinsi Jawa Barat

  • Bihaki Ridwan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
  • Pratikso Pratikso Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
  • Rachmat Mudiyono Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Keywords: implementation constraints, infrastructure projects, public-private cooperation.



Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis implementasi proyek infrastruktur kerjasama pemerintah-badan usaha, (2) mendeskripsikan kendala implementasi proyek infrastruktur kerjasama pemerintah-badan usaha, (3) Menganalisis strategi pelaksana dalam mengimplementasikan disruptive innovation pada proyek infrastruktur kerjasama pemerintah-badan usaha. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam riset ini. Waktu penelitian selama 12 bulan dari Juli 2020 s.d Juli 2021. Subjek penelitian ialah para pakar (expert) sebanyak 6 orang yang berasal dari Dishub 2 orang, Dinas PUPR 2 orang,  Bappeda 1 orang, dan Akademisi 1 orang. Data primer yang akan digunakan dalam investigasi meliputi hasil wawancara terstruktur melalui home interview. Hasil investigasi menyimpulkan bahwa : (1) Implementasi proyek infrastruktur melalui disruptive innovation dalam perusahaan konstruksi dilaksanakan dengan (a)Korporasi mempersiapkan untuk menghadapi disrupsi, perusahaan mempersiapkan untuk masuk menjadi bagian dalam disrupsi tersebut, (b) Mengembangkan inovasi secara internal dan eksternal, (c) Inovasi yang dilakukan secara internal dengan inovasi incremental, (d) Perusahaan melakukan open innovation untuk lebih dapat mengeksplorasi hal-hal baru meliputi segala teknologi baru maupun model bisnis baru, (2) Kendala berkaitan disruptive innovation dalam implementasi proyek infrastruktur kerjasama pemerintah-badan usaha ialah analisis risiko proyek infrastruktur yang tidak valid. Kendala yang sering terjadi misalnya kordinasi antara pemangku kepentingan yang kurang, alokasi dana yang terbatas, dan penyediaan lahan, (3) Langkah antisipasi maka Bina Marga perlu konsultan Profesional independen, kordinasi yang baik antara stakeholder, perencanaan proyek ditingkatkan kualitasnya, kemudahan dalam regulasi/perizinan, memberikan insentif fiskal bagi investor, memberikan jaminan perintah kepada investor dalam bentuk payung hukum agar swasta mendapatkan hak yang sama dengan BUMN dalam melaksanakan proyek yang dianggap feasible

Kata Kunci: kendala implementasi, proyek infrastruktur, kerjasama pemerintah-swasta



The research aims to (1) analyze the implementation of the government-business partnership infrastructure project, (2) describe the constraints to the implementation of the government-business partnership infrastructure project, (3) analyze the implementing strategy in implementing disruptive innovation in the government-business partnership infrastructure project. Qualitative descriptive method was used in this research. The research period is 12 months from July 2020 to July 2021. The research subjects are 6 experts from the Transportation Agency, 2 people from the PUPR Service, 1 Bappeda, and 1 academician. Primary data that will be used in the investigation includes the results of structured interviews through home interviews. The results of the investigation concluded that: (1) The implementation of infrastructure projects through disruptive innovation in construction companies is carried out by (a) The corporation prepares to face the disruption, the company prepares to become part of the disruption, (b) Develops innovation internally and externally, (c) Innovations carried out internally with incremental innovations, (d) The company conducts open innovation to better explore new things including all new technologies and new business models, (2) Obstacles related to disruptive innovation in the implementation of infrastructure projects of government-business partnerships is an invalid infrastructure project risk analysis. Constraints that often occur include lack of coordination between stakeholders, limited allocation of funds, and the provision of land, (3) Anticipatory measures, then Bina Marga needs independent professional consultants, good coordination between stakeholders, improved project planning quality, ease of regulation/licensing , provide fiscal incentives for investors, provide guarantees for orders to investors in the form of a legal umbrella so that the private sector gets the same rights as SOEs in carrying out projects that are considered feasible.

Key words: implementation constraints, infrastructure projects, public-private cooperation.


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