IICASS - Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences 2023-10-14T01:57:19+00:00 Alma Indah Oktariani S. Open Journal Systems <div> <div>Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences (IICASS) is an annual event organized by Bogor Ibn Khaldun University. The aim of this activity is to provide a forum for scholars, intellectuals, and professionals to share ideas in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs Targets. The theme carried out at this year's conference is “Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the SDGs Targets for Meeting the Basic Needs of the People". IICASS presented the Mayor of Bogor as the Keynote Speaker and invited six Guest Speakers from five countries, namely India, Yemen, Malaysia, Gambia, and Indonesia.</div> </div> Prodising Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences 2023-10-14T01:57:19+00:00 Dawood Abdulmalek Tika Hafzara Siregar Helen Mantofani Siti Nurjanah Humaira Anggie Nauli <p>Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences (IICASS-2022) is an annual event organized by Bogor Ibn Khaldun University. The aim of this activity is to provide a forum for scholars, intellectuals, and professionals to share ideas in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs Targets. The theme carried out at this year's conference is “Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the SDGs Targets for Meeting the Basic Needs of the People". IICASS-2022 presented the Mayor of Bogor as the Keynote Speaker and invited six Guest Speakers from five countries, namely India, Yemen, Malaysia, Gambia, and Indonesia.</p> 2023-10-14T01:57:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##