Implementation of Agricultural Waqf by Islamic Boarding Schools in Realizing Food Security: Case Study of Hidayatullah Bekasi

  • Irfanullah Irfanullah Universitas Brawijaya
Keywords: Waqf Agriculture, Pesantren, Food Security


This research was conducted to answer the need for a food security model in Indonesia, which has become a serious problem. This research proposes an organic agricultural waqf model to overcome food security problems in Indonesia, especially in the aspects of availability and sustainability. To prove this, the research will conduct a case study on the successful management of productive rice field waqf carried out by Pesantren Hidayatullah Bekasi. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods in the form of interviews and field observations conducted at Pesantren Hidayatullah Bekasi to see the success of the productive rice field waqf program. The results showed that the program was successful in realizing food security, especially in the pesantren environment. The results are determined from the yields that meet the food needs of the pesantren, aspects of environmental sustainability, business sustainability, crop quality, and improving the welfare of farmers involved in managing rice fields owned by Hidayatullah Bekasi Islamic Boarding School. From this research, there are several suggestions, among others, to increase the area of cultivated land and also to apply this model to other pesantren because it has proven to be successful. For future research, it is expected to be able to examine similar programs that have been running as well as further investigate the efficiency of the organic methods being carried out.
