Increasing Learning Activities and Achievements Through The Application of Discovery Learning Models in Fiqh Subjects for Students in Class XI MIPA 3 Odd Semester MAN 3 Medan in The 2023/2024 Academic Year
Education in Indonesia exists to develop the potential of eachlearner so that they can grow into individuals who not onlybelieve and fear God Almighty, but also have noble morals, so they can live life with full responsibility and honesty. Thisresearch refers to the low activity and learning achievementof students. This study aims to improve the activity andlearning achievement of students XI MIPA 3 MAN 3 Medan through the application of the Discovery Learning model in fiqh subjects. The research method used is class actionresearch (PTK). In its implementation, researchers used theKurt Lewin model which consists of four main steps, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research isqualitative in nature which is an approach that is also calledan investigative approach because researchers collect data through observation sheets and learning interests. questionnaires distributed to students every face to face withthree meetings consisting of pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. This research includes descriptive qualitative research, because it describes how learning strategies are applied andhow the desired learning outcomes can be achieved. Thisstudy used data collection methods through observationtechniques, questionnaires, document review and tests. Basedon the results of the research conducted, it can be concludedthat the application of the Discovery Learning model canincrease the learning activities and achievements of studentsin grade XI MIPA 3 MAN 3 Medan for the 2023/2024 academic year on the subject matter of zakat.