Interconnection of Teacher Exemplary and Religious Literacy Programme in Shaping the Religious Character of Students

  • Muhammad Resky Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
Keywords: Religious Literacy Program, Implementation, Exemplary Teacher, Religious Character


The multidimensional crisis that occurs in the modern era is a serious problem in this country, especially moral and character degradation in the world of education. The purpose of this study is to describe the portrait of exemplary teachers in shaping the religious character of students based on religious literacy programmes. The approach in this research is a phenomenological qualitative approach. Qualitative research methods are applied to obtain information related to the condition of the object as it is as a key instrument, so that through the technique of collecting and studying the data. The results showed that the interconnection of religious literacy activities and teacher exemplary can improve students' understanding of religious values and internalise positive attitudes and behaviours, such as discipline, tolerance, and mutual respect. Exemplary teachers in daily religious practices in the form of exemplary through Tsawab (Punishment), exemplary rewards and supervision, exemplary teachers through responsibility contribute to better changes in student character. These findings show the importance of integrating character education and religious literacy in formulating literacy programme policies. The implication of this research for the development of education is that the character of a student does not have to be through mastery of Islamic religious subject matter, but from culturally habituating character through religious literacy programmes.
