Analysis Determinants of ERP System Implementation and its Impact on Work Effectiveness

  • Rhendy Akhmad Firdaus Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
Keywords: Organizational Characteristics, HR Competencies, Information Quality, Management Support, ERP Implementation and Work Effectiveness


The implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)system is one of the key strategies that can be used for companiesto increase their efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness.Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors of ERP systemimplementation and its impact on Work Effectiveness. Thisresearch uses quantitative descriptive method by distributingquestionnaires to respondents. The data were analyzed usingvalidity tests, normality tests and multiple linear tests. Theresults showed that the variables of organizationalcharacteristics, information quality and management supporthad a significant and positive effect on work implementationwhile the HR competency variable had no significant and positiveeffect. Based on this study, it is also known that the impact of ERPimplementation on work effectiveness shows significant andpositive results, because the implementation of the ERP system inthe company can help the company in terms of data processingso as to create work effectiveness in the company.
