The Influence of Competency Training on Work Productivity and Loyalty of Inpatient Nurses at RSUD Kota Bogor

  • Aris Munandar Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
  • Indupurnahayu Indupurnahayu Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
  • Popy Novita Pasaribu Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
Keywords: Competency Training, Work Productivity, Nurse Loyalty, Inpatient Care


This study aims to analyze the relationship between competencytraining, work productivity, and loyalty of inpatient nurses atRSUD Kota Bogor. Understanding these relationships can helphospital management design appropriate competencydevelopment strategies, such as training and developmentprograms. This research uses a descriptive quantitative methodby distributing questionnaires to 119 respondents who areinpatient nurses at RSUD Kota Bogor. Data were analyzed usingvalidity tests, normality tests, and multiple linear regressiontests. The results of the study show that there is a positive andsignificant relationship between training and work productivity,training and loyalty, competence and work productivity, as wellas competence and loyalty of nurses. These findings indicate thattraining and competence improvement play an important role inincreasing the work productivity and loyalty of inpatient nursesat RSUD Kota Bogor. The practical implication of this research isthat hospital management needs to design and implement systematic and structured training programs and continuously strive to improve nurse competence to encourage increased work productivity and nurse loyalty. Furthermore, further research can be conducted to explore other factors that affect nurse productivity and loyalty
