Entrepreneurship Development Strategy of Santri
The importance of entrepreneurship in society is not only a tool to make improvements and changes in the quality of person and society, the efforts and works hard are needed that focused on encouraging the creation of entrepreneurship. In this case, HIPSI Pasuruan Regency have a good and effective management concept that is summarized in a human resource development management, internally and externally. One of the institutions that has the potential to improve entrepreneurship is pesantren, because from pesantren students not only get Islamic knowledge but also get entrepreneurial knowledge. The purpose of this research to find out and describe the strategy of developing student entrepreneurship by HIPSI Pasuruan district. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, where research data is obtained from observation, interviews, and documentations. researcher used technical triangulation to test the completeness of the data by checking data from the same source using different techniques.The results show that the strategy carried out by HIPSI in the development of student entrepreneurship is by visiting islamic boarding schools to introduce HIPSI to the leaders and directors of islamic boarding schools, In addition, also invites schools to hold events in the form of education and training about entrepreneurship to the students. This agenda by HIPSI Pasuruan is called HGTP (Hipsi Goes To Pesantren). In HGTP, there are several main activities carried out like talk shows, trainings, and social activities related to entrepreneurship development strategies.
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