Pre Project Selling System In Trading Flats (Apartment) Based On The Principle Of Justice
The increase in number of people from year to year increases compared to the amount of land for shelter. The promulgation of Law No. 20 of 2011 on the flats, is the obligation of the polity in meeting human necessity, as well as the government's way to overcome the backlog. So, in the construction of flats, especially commercial or apartments managed by development actors with a pre-project selling system. The objective of this study is to perceive the operation of the application of the law on the regulation of the sale and purchase of commercial flats. By using normative research methods or better known as doctrinal. Includes library materials or secondary data. Describe description Governing setting system pre-project selling in trading units of flats (apartments) using a knife analysis of the theory of Justice. In the implementation of the pre-project selling system, consumers or buyers of flat units experience losses. The implementation of sales by pre-project selling only provides justice for one party, namely the development actors (developers). Each individual has equal rights to the other, in this case, the pre-project selling system has not provided justice for consumers.Therefore, there is a need for supervision from the government and the developer. In addition, normative changes to Article 42 of the flat’s law are also needed to regulate the buying and selling process of the pre-project selling system. So the hope can provide a juridical basis and provide justice for consumers of apartments
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