Influence Of Internal And Macro Factors Islamic Bank External To Islamic Bank Mudharabah-Based Financing For MSMES

  • Yusri Yusron Study Master of Islamic Economics, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Qurroh Ayuniyyah Study Master of Islamic Economics, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Irfan Syauqi Beik Study Master of Islamic Economics, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor
Keywords: Internal and External Macro, Mudharabah, Islamic Banks, MSMEs


The mudharabah system in the MSME segment is a very important part of the banking economic growth itself in a place or country in a stable environment, and therefore shapes growth and development in small to medium scale businesses both in individual and group businesses. The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of internal and external macro factors of Islamic banks on Islamic bank mudharabah-based financing for MSMEs. This study used a qualitative research method with an exploratory research approach. The research results show that the financing that is suitable for MSME development is mudharabah financing. This is because the principle of profit sharing in mudharabah financing increases the potential for MSMEs to gain increased income, expand their business scale and diversify. In addition to contributing to internal banks and MSME players, sharia bank financing for MSMEs also plays a role in macroeconomic development. The factors that influence the allocation of sharia financing to MSMEs in Indonesia are as follows: 1) In that period FDR, NPF, inflation and exchange rates together had a significant effect on the allocation of BUS financing to MSMEs in Indonesia. 2) During this period FDR and NPF together did not have a significant effect on the allocation of BUS financing to MSMEs in Indonesia.



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How to Cite
Yusron, Y., Ayuniyyah, Q., & Beik, I. (2023). Influence Of Internal And Macro Factors Islamic Bank External To Islamic Bank Mudharabah-Based Financing For MSMES. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 361-373. Retrieved from