The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Attitudes and Income Levels on the Financial Behavior of the People in Saribaye Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency

  • Imam Yuardi Aprilian University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Nurabiah Nurabiah University of Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Financial Attitudes, Income Levels, Financial Behavior


The purpose of this study is to empirically test the influence of financial literacy, financial attitudes and income levels on the financial behavior of the people in Saribaye Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency. This research used primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to respondents. The sample in this study was the people of Saribaye Village with criteria of being over 17 years old, already working and having income, so the total sample was 345 respondents. The data analysis tool used is Partial Least Square (PLS) version 3.0. The results of this research are that financial literacy and financial attitudes have a significant positive effect on the financial behavior of the people of Saribaye Village. This means that, the better the level of financial literacy and financial attitude they have, the better the financial behavior will be. However, the level of income does not affect the financial behavior of the people of Saribaye Village. This means that regardless of income level, it cannot affect behavior in carrying out financial planning, management, control, storage of financial funds and decision making.


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How to Cite
Aprilian, I., Lestari, B., & Nurabiah, N. (2023). The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Attitudes and Income Levels on the Financial Behavior of the People in Saribaye Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 286-303. Retrieved from