Exploring Moderating Effect of Religious Leaders Endorsement (RLE) in Islamic Theory of Consumer Behavior (ITCB) for Electric Vehicles Purchase Intention (EVPI) in Indonesia

  • Hendriansyah Hendriansyah
Keywords: Islamic Theory of Consumer Behavior; Religious Leader; Electric Vehicles


This conceptual paper aims to expand ITCB by adding Religious Leader Endorsement (RLE) variable in the model and to apply this model to environmental concern which goes to EVPI in Indonesia. The literature review is predominantly of studies on previous research in green products purchase intention through theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) and small research via religious approach. The proposed research by adding RLE variable will test targeting Indonesian moslem, sampling from certain Top provinces in Indonesia. The causal relationships of the research framework were measured using structural equation modelling. It is found that interest in the field is growing, with a greater variety of topics and methods appearing year on year. However, the authors also identify some issues of concern for the field if it wishes to sustain this growth. First, current ITCB evolution was so slow that not much research was conducted, meanwhile there is so much literature that suggests Religious Leaders Endorsement (RLE) has significant influence on consumer behavior. The theoretical framework provides a new variable of RLE on how moslem customers evaluate electric vehicles and the factors underlying their attitudes and behaviours toward such products in an Islamic and emerging market. Further research related to Religious Organization (RO) should also be tested to complete this framework.


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How to Cite
Hendriansyah, H. (2023). Exploring Moderating Effect of Religious Leaders Endorsement (RLE) in Islamic Theory of Consumer Behavior (ITCB) for Electric Vehicles Purchase Intention (EVPI) in Indonesia. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 87-101. Retrieved from http://prosiding.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/ICMSME/article/view/432