TVKU Journalist Strategy in Reporting on Tiktok Social Media during the Pandemic

  • Reghina Najla Putri Alifia
  • Heri Pamungkas
Keywords: Journalism, Tiktok, TVKU


In the pandemic era, information is one of the aspects needed in people's lives. The development of technology and information has led to changes in various fields, one of which is journalism. One of the social media platforms, namely Tiktok, is considered to have contributed quite a lot in the delivery and collection of news. TVKU Semarang as one of the local electronic media in Central Java participates in the transformation of building a TVKU tick tok content creation strategy.This research approach uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques of participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. By using data source triangulation. From the research results it can be concluded that the strategy used by TVKU journalists in creating news content on Tiktok is ATM (Observe, imitate and modify). The use of Tiktok social media in journalism activities during the Covid-19 pandemic carried out by TVKU was a very careful and good decision. At this stage TVKU Semarang was quite successful in taking advantage of the pandemic situation to continue to exist in society. The limitation of this research is that it only uses limited data from Tiktok TVKU content which broadcasts content about journalism. In addition, the research was only carried out in a short time. This research novelty is a strategy for the application of TikTok as an online journalism medium during a pandemic.


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How to Cite
Alifia, R., & Pamungkas, H. (2023). TVKU Journalist Strategy in Reporting on Tiktok Social Media during the Pandemic. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 215-227. Retrieved from