The Effect of the Staff’s Work Discipline and Work Environment to The Employee Performance with Work Stress as An Intervening Variable

  • Yana Dian Nanda Universitas Trilogi, Indonesia
  • Francy Iriani Ekawati Universitas Trilogi, Indonesia
Keywords: Worker discipline 1; work environment 2; job stress 3; Job performance 4.


In the era of covid, many companies stopped operating, resulting in layoffs for their employees. The construction industry is no exception, due to a lack of funds. The layoffs resulted in a high level of stress on workers. The workers who work from home also affected the level of employee discipline. Research by Hermawati and Handayani (2022), Kirana, Suwathi, and Suwandana (2022) stated that discipline, work environment, and stress affect performance. For this reason, the researcher wanted to see whether the same thing applies to construction companies.

This study aimed to examine how the influence of worker discipline and the job environment on the employee’s performance with job stress as an intervening variable. This research was conducted using a questionnaire, and measured with a Likert scale. The research sample was obtained from a population of 70 people. Data from respondents' answers were processed using Partial Least Square application 3.1.

This study indicated that worker discipline variables have a positive and significant effect on performance, the work environment has a positive and significant effect on job performance, worker discipline has no effect and is not significant on job stress, and work environment did not have a negative and not significant effect on job stress, job stress has no negative and insignificant effect on job performance, worker discipline did not have a negative and insignificant effect on job performance with job stress as an intervening variable, the work environment has no effect and is not significant on performance with work stress as an intervening variable.

This is the first research done on construction company employees during the covid period. However, researchers propose adding variables such as job satisfaction and more research objects to the next research.


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How to Cite
Nanda, Y., & Ekawati, F. (2023). The Effect of the Staff’s Work Discipline and Work Environment to The Employee Performance with Work Stress as An Intervening Variable. Proceeding of International E-Conference On Management & Small Medium Enterprise, 1(1), 304-321. Retrieved from